Hello, I am Gavin. Welcome to visit UW.
Founded in 2014, UW (Ultimateworks) is focusing on custom sabers and other toys.
We provides a collection of affordable and high quality custom sabers worldwide.
We are not just saber manufacturers but also big fans of sabers! That is our motivation to keep passion in the art of saber creating.
The feature of UW:
- We have our own design team and development team, which support our independence R&D capacity. Our sabers are different from those who can only imitate.
- We have our own factory and mills, which offer a good product quality control.
- The UW independently developed soundboard ASTERIA 1.0 has emerged before 2013.
ASTERIA 1.5 launched in 2017.
ASTERIA 2.0 launched in 2019.
Now UW launched ASTERIA 2.5.
- UW raised the idea of Prekit and generic Chassis, which saved a lot of money for our customers.
What’s PreKit
PreKit is a pre-installed hilt we offer to you which has installed blade connecter, chassis connecter and switches in the empty hilt.
Once you purchase the pre hilt, just plug our chassis set and you can play it. Neither wiring nor welding is needed. We offer regular chassis which can be used in almost all our sabers, except some special hilts.
Have the PreKit now and enjoy the fun!
Our workshop and warehouse